Tata Savings+ offers a smarter, convenient and effective way of investing in Tata Liquid Fund, Tata Overnight Fund, Tata Arbitrage Fund, Tata India Tax Savings Fund.
Key Features:
Registration: Create a profile by validating your email address and PAN.
Invest: Allows you to invest in Tata Liquid Fund, Tata Overnight Fund, Tata Arbitrage Fund, Tata India Tax Savings Fund using Net Banking.
Encash: Allows you to redeem your existing units from Tata Liquid Fund, Tata Overnight Fund, Tata Arbitrage Fund, Tata India Tax Savings Fund.
“Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.”
Tata Savings + offre un moyen plus intelligent, pratique et efficace d'investir dans Tata Liquid Fund, Tata Overnight Fund, Tata Arbitrage Fund, Tata India Tax Savings Fund.
Principales caractéristiques:
Inscription: Créez un profil en validant votre adresse e-mail et PAN.
Investir: vous permet d'investir dans Tata Liquid Fund, Tata Overnight Fund, Tata Arbitrage Fund, Tata India Tax Savings Fund via Net Banking.
Encash: vous permet de racheter vos parts existantes du Tata Liquid Fund, du Tata Overnight Fund, du Tata Arbitrage Fund, du Tata India Tax Savings Fund.
«Les investissements dans les fonds communs de placement sont soumis aux risques du marché, lisez attentivement tous les documents liés au régime.»